SP20 - compatibility fix for DLC 3.01
smokepatch20 compatibility with DLC 3.01
+ now includes a compatible edit file.
+ hide unfinished European teams
+ restore madura united (we united)
* if you have exported any in-game edits you made before the dlc, you can import over this edit file (see import edits tutorial)
earlier this morning (19th dec), we have released a fix for sp20 due to a new konami dlc, this makes the patch works normally, now we have also generated a compatible edit file.
files included in this fix:
08_smkdb_ctr.cpk (replace in the game folder)
this is SP system control cpk file, susually empty cpk, we have added the files to make the patch compatible and includes any dlc changes.
DpFileList.bin (replace in the game folder)
this is the database file list, this file replaces the game dpfilelist to activate smokepatch again, do not change or edit this file unless you are 100% sure you know what you are doing.
EDIT00000000 (replace in save folder of the game)
this the edit data file, commonly known and save file or option file, this file is generated from the main patch database, then we script in our personal edits such as:
- teams stadium names
- teams rivalries
- teams banners (experimental) thanks to (P.K.Charmant)
- competition settings (activate league sleeve patch)
- leagues balls assignment
1. copy and replace (DpFileList.bin) and (08_smkdb_ctr.cpk) in the download folder of the game where smokepatch20 cpk files are installed
(Steam\steamapps\common\eFootball PES 2020\download)
2. copy (EDIT00000000) in the save folder of the game
(documents\konami\eFootball PES 2020\#your_steam_ID\save)
sp20 links:

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